1968 PMG Technician in Training

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A couple of images for old time sake

David Spear – Section 13

Those of us at Nth Strathfield all remember Mr Toms. At one stage I was an instructor and worked with him. I guess you could say I was more of a cantilever, I even things up – I passed everyone.

Ian Ward – Section 20

TIT’s from the country were placed in various Boarding Houses around the Metropolitan Area. Boarding House 11 David St Marrickville (all Trainees who attended Alexandria Training School):
Steven Tunks, John Deane, Gary Halton, Steve ????, Ross Wraight, Charles Klein, Peter McLean, Gordon (Ali) Barber & Ian Ward + about another 3 to 5 Trainees whose names escape me …Other Boarding Houses
** The “White House” was another Boarding House used by the PMG to place trainees  – this one was  located at Coogee.
The guys placed at Coogee were very lucky with the location (near Coogee Beach), and as a bonus, the Boarding House catered for non-PMG guests (some delightful young ladies among them).
A great place to stay over on the weekend ………….

Laurie Graham – Section 22

Can always remember at Alexandria, every Thursday, when the council’s bulldozer started shifting rubbish around in “Tempe Tip” next door. We had to close all windows and doors due to the “stench”?? It didn’t matter how hot it was that day, one would prefer to die of heat exhaustion, than “smell the stench” from our favourite STENCH plant. Maybe OH&S would have had something to say about our environment, if it was today.

I can remember (as section 22) when we were in George Passfield’s and Tony Abbott’s class, and we were introduced the APO multimeter No3!!!

Well our section, thought these were marvellous pieces of technology, they were great to operate (play with) after about 5 minutes of “operating”, George P said, Now that we have all played windscreen wipers, let’s get into some more serious SHIT. Passfield always had a way with words????

1968, what a great year.

Nigel Davis – Section 10

I was at North Strathfield, section 10. I remember Mr Toms, who was in charge of “Engineering workshop practice” and threatened to throw the pliers of anyone caught using them to bend springsets, out the 2nd floor window. There was a story of him actually doing it.

There was Mr Mack, who probably should have retired, but would sometimes take up the entire lesson reminiscing about his war experiences, which were usually very entertaining, but a source of frustration to the other two instructors in his class who wanted to run the lesson.

Oh yeah, there was Mr Stebel in “Principles” who was a member of Ski Rescue at the Thredbo snowfields during ski season, and always had a good suntan from that.

Who could forget Mr Redden, in “Techniques”. Our first meeting with him was with him telling us what would happen if we tried to play up. He described a previous year student who took him on and ended up hung on the rack in the hall.

There was the smoke bomb in the staff room. They also had the best pineapple donuts at the cafeteria.
During the lesson on magneto phones, we hooked up the generators to the stainless steel edging on the bench. It was a warm day and a little bit of sweat makes a for better contact.

Lots of fun – Oh and learning, too.